As the annual US listed option contract volumes have more than doubled to 4.2 billion between 2007 and 2014, the technology and industry practices regarding CMTA billing have not properly evolved in 20 plus years. Our mission is focused on automating and streamlining a very labor intensive process, while accelerating the commission payment process.
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Prime Plus
Millions of transactions across multiple prime brokers and executing brokers with many data points for calculating revenue and cost. Each asset class at each prime may have a different way of calculation method. Who can assimilate the data across the sources and provide complete information for the management to act on.
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RIsk Based Haircut
Risk Based Haircut has been a corner stone application for over two decades for any firm trading on margin. Last few years had brought in dramatic changes in the way regulators and trading firms perceive risk management especially from compliance perspective. Gone are the days of running overnight numbers or even intraday positions with overnight OCC PL numbers every hour.
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