RBH for Proprietary Broker Dealers and Market Makers:
Prop trading firms and market makers use this product to prove their compliance with SEC rule 15c3-1. With intraday reports generated automatically every few minutes highlights the efforts taken by a firm to be in compliance but also as a great tool in monitoring the risk for the entire firm in aggregated basis. Reports can be generated with overnight position & OCC PL file or real-time separately for each of the institution type. Following are the asset classes / salient features of MiddleLink RBH product:
- RBH Core
- RBH Core module
- Equities, Equity Options, Single Stock Futures
- Index Futures, Index Options
- Para-J
- International Equities and Foreign Currencies
- Limited and Preferred securities
- Convertible securities ADR, M&A Arbitrage
- Appendix A OTC options & newly listed options
- RBH Core module
- Stock Basket
- Domestic
- International
- What-If
- Simulate and evaluate your own scenario with positions and market price
- Juxtapose the scenarios with real time position of the firm
- Play with new positions for hedge to reduce haircut charges
- Calculate Net Cap utilization charges for each client and charge in trader payout
- Aggregate a set of accounts and calculate haircut charges to identify/manage risk
Please contact us for a price quote / demo.